L’épuisement professionnel des employés bilingues en Ontario: un fardeau trop lourd à porter? 

The English version follows below. En Ontario, la demande pour des employés bilingues, maîtrisant à la fois l’anglais et le français, ne cesse de croître. Ces compétences linguistiques rares sont précieuses pour les entreprises, en particulier celles qui servent une clientèle diversifiée. Cependant, être le seul employé bilingue dans une entreprise peut entraîner un épuisement […]

Strategy for a Challenging Market

I want to start with a message of hope. If you are one of the many currently finding this job market challenging, my message is not to despair; I have several tips, ideas, and strategies I will pass along. I hope you find ideas in this article that help you land that next position. If […]

The Importance of Soft Skills in Today’s Job Market

The Importance of Soft Skills

The modern job market is rapidly evolving, presenting new challenges and opportunities for job seekers and employers alike. In today’s world, possessing strong technical abilities and expertise is important, but having excellent soft skills is equally vital. Soft skills are often the deciding factor that sets individuals apart in a competitive market. In this post, […]

Chercher un emploi pendant le temps des fêtes, ça vaut la peine?

Beaucoup de chercheurs d’emploi pensent qu’il est inutile de continuer leur recherche pendant les fêtes, car les entreprises ralentissent leurs activités et les responsables sont en vacances. Pourtant, de nombreux recruteurs et experts en ressources humaines estiment que le mois de décembre est propice pour commencer ou relancer sa recherche d’emploi, et ce, pour plusieurs […]

How to Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market

You’ve got the experience, you’ve got the degree, you’ve got the skills and the drive to easily thrive in your dream job…..and so do the other 124 applicants who applied for the same position. The job-hunting situation these days is more like a high-stakes show-and-tell session where your performance and presentation are as important as […]

What Should Company Culture Look Like in 2023?

As much as free food is appreciated, in 2023, throwing a random pizza party for your employees doesn’t quite cut it when it comes to building a strong company culture. It’s no longer sufficient to rely on outdated norms and generic gestures if you do want to show genuine appreciation for your staff. With a […]

How to Deal with Job Rejection

“Thank you for taking the time to speak with us for the interview. After careful consideration, we wanted to let you know that we have decided to move forward with a different candidate for this position.” After spending hours working on your resume and applying to a hundred different jobs and telling your friends what a great interview […]

From Screen to Dream Job: 7 Tips to Ace Your Video Interview

As common as video interviews have become in recent times, they do come with their own kind of challenges and require preparation. Of course, there is the convenience of not having to leave your home and drive to another city for a 30-minute interview at 7 in the morning. However, there are still several factors […]